Child Safety

At TRIO, we have robust policy and processes in place for ensuring child safety. Our staff are trained to follow child safe behaviours and practices. They are also trained to look for any signs or symptoms that a child may be subject to abuse/neglect of any kind and alert the school management. This includes sexual, physical, or emotional abuse and neglect. We have clear procedures for the reporting of such issues to the appropriate authorities and agencies where required, for investigation and resolution of these issues. These processes involve trained professional staff who will confidentially carry out an inquiry and then if required escalate their report to external agencies.

Our policy and procedures are reviewed annually by our Child Protection Committee (CPC) which is made up of the appropriate school staff and a parent representative. If you want to check our Child Safety policy, please check with the Principal.

Entry / Visitor Security Checks

All parents, and visitors undergo a digital verification at the entrance of the school, to ensure that every person entering the school is accounted for and has a record of entry/exit.

On-campus security

The Campus Supervisor oversees the coordination among the security team within the campus. We have female security guards at all crucial locations within the school. 50+ CCTV cameras are used for monitoring all areas of the school. All staff are subject to Criminal Background Verification (CBV) checks

Emotional safety

We have stringent antibullying norms in place. A School Counsellor is present on campus to help children feel secure and give them a safe space to share their concerns.

Safety features of TWS

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